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Text File | 1994-06-13 | 10.4 KB | 229 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- Welcome to PowerLock 3.5
- This document briefly lists the changes to PowerLock since Version 3.1. It
- also covers changes to all AddOns.
- Key to Abbreviations:
- (7 Only) Works with System 7 only
- (6 Only) Works with System 6 only
- New! New feature included for the first time in this release
- * New! Installation Assistant
- Tell PowerLock what sort of security you want and it goes ahead and
- configures everything, installs the FKEY, DA, INIT, SuperSecurity options, etc.
- * New! Safety Features
- PowerLock won't let you use some features until you are sufficiently familiar
- with its operation. Once you've used it enough, it will automatically activate the
- more powerful security features. It also warns you if you are about to do something
- that might see you locked out of your Macintosh.
- * New! StartUp Launcher (SuperSecurity option)
- ensures PowerLock always launches, regardless of whether the Shift key is held
- down or not. Does away with the need to use Set Startup (Sys6) or an alias (Sys7)
- * New! Substantially improved support for StartUp & TimeOut Screens
- - support for StartUpScreen format files
- - support for any file containing a PICT resource
- - randomly selects from PICT resources if more than one in the file
- - still supports MacPaint and standard PICT file formats
- - screen refreshes are now faster by a factor of more than 1000%
- An offscreen buffer is used provided sufficient memory is available
- - you can now use an alias to point to the screen files eg. set it up so it uses your
- normal StartUpScreen file via an alias (7 Only)
- - PowerLock now comes with a recommended partition size of 500k You can
- safely reduce this to about 200k if you won't be using PICT format files
- - supports color depths up to 256 colors (if your monitor is set to above
- 256 colors, PowerLock may crash when displaying screen files)
- * New! optionally hides all open applications as soon as it starts up (7 Only)
- * New! optionally hides the menu bar at startup, and provides a keyboard toggle as
- well as a Preferences option
- * New! 32 Bit Compatible
- * New! Power Macintosh / PowerPC Compatible (emulation mode)
- * no longer allows you to gain control of the Macintosh by clicking
- during startup, or selecting items from menus, etc.
- NOTE: this change means that it now appears to take longer for PowerLock
- to start up. This is because PowerLock puts up its splash window as soon as
- possible to stop people from looking at or accessing desktop files. Whilst
- the window is displayed, other volumes are being mounted etc.
- * button hilighting is now more compatible with other button enhancing CDEFs
- * eliminated the cause of the occasional "Override Used" log message
- * the real desktop pattern and PowerLock's faked pattern now line up correctly
- * keeps a better record of the location of PowerLock
- * manual install of Version 3.1 under System 7 wasn't always possible as option
- key wasn't recognised. Fixed.
- * checking for bypasses now occurs AFTER a valid password has been entered
- * more tolerant of problem addon files
- * the user manual is now formatted better, and is in Word 5.1a format
- * minor changes in preparation for PowerLock Controls
- * minor changes to the About dialog
- * on the main dialog, when you have a userlist established, pressing
- return when you are in the username field takes you to the password field
- (but only if there is no password in the field yet)
- * minor changes to the icons for all but the main application. You'll need to rebuild
- your desktop. The change is aimed at making them more international so all text is
- removed from the icon.
- * is now more responsive to short cut keys. For instance, you no longer need to keep
- the key down after you've clicked a button.
- * Trap Illegal Attempts to Quit:
- - enhanced to provide better feedback when Force Quits is used (7 Only)
- - still traps any attempts to use ExitToShell (such as via debuggers)
- * now hides the PowerLock dialog on timeout if a startupscreen has been displayed
- * provides more information in the about box regarding your licence
- * a new AddOn, this provides a similar function to the System StartUp Items folder.
- * simply create a folder called 'PowerLock StartUp Items' within your System folder,
- and place anything you want opened at startup within it
- * you can also create separate folders for each user.
- Use the name of the user as the folder name, but prefix it with • (option-8). All
- items within the main folder will be opened, along with specific items in the
- user folder.
- * works with System 6 as well (only applications can be put in the folders)
- * new AddOn that automatically selects a different desktop pattern each time
- PowerLock is run
- * lets you use existing pattern files, without needing to duplicate them
- * includes a sample set of patterns
- * lets you leave voicemail for other Mac users (if your Mac has suitable hardware)
- * works in the same way as PowerMessages
- * supports multiple messages per person
- * lets you save messages as double-clickable documents
- New! IDLEMORE 1.0
- * lets you modify how much time background applications receive
- * helps tune PowerLock for use with after hours backup processes, etc.
- * New! Balloon Help specifically for PowerUsers, and accessible directly
- * New! Import usernames from AppleShare volumes.
- Looks at the first available AppleShare capable volume. This may not be
- available on initial running of PowerLock due to the time it takes to startup
- file sharing. Run PowerLock again once File Sharing has started up.
- (also imports group names)
- * New! No Desktop
- - automatically quits the Finder
- - works interactively with the new Hide AddOn
- - automatically relaunches PowerLock if you put PowerLock into the System
- Folder
- - relaunches PowerLock after any applications that are launched via the
- Autolaunch list.
- * New! Copy
- - copies the profile of the selected user. Allows you to set common
- restrictions and copy them to new users as required.
- * New! Password expiry
- - recommends users change their passwords after a specified number of days.
- - lets you set a global default, and specific values for each user
- * New! Disk/Volume protection
- Disks/volumes can be selected (7 only) and will automatically be unmounted if the
- user does not have access
- * prevented anyone but the SuperUser from accessing the PowerUsers dialog
- * no longer permits you to hide the System folder, or the folder containing PowerLock
- itself (but note that the check is not exhaustive - for instance, hiding "Apps" in this
- chain - "HARD DISK:APPS:POWERLOCK FOLDER:POWERLOCK" won't be prevented)
- * files/folders can now be on different volumes, not just the startup volume
- * major changes to the way files and folders are identified, and to the routines used
- to hide & restore files/folders. This means that the rare occasions where files
- were not restored has been fixed. A side effect is that your current profiles will
- not be used, and you'll need to create new ones.
- * minor mods to support the hidden menu bar
- * Use Own Prefs: this version of PowerUsers requires individual prefs resources to
- have an ID >=100. This means your current prefs will not be used and new ones will
- be created. (This does not apply to the SuperUser, or if you haven't enabled
- Use Own Prefs)
- * the Reset option now lets you scan all available volumes,
- and option-clicking lets you reset a single file
- * System 6 Users: note that one beta tester has experienced problems with
- PowerUsers (hiding folders doesn't work reliably). If you have similar problems
- please set your logfile setting to "Diagnostic", and write to me detailing the full
- circumstances together with the log file messages that resulted.
- * sometimes wouldn't open the log file if it was double-clicked (7 Only). Fixed.
- * sometimes log file would show up with generic icon. Fixed.
- * replaced log procedure in PowerLock 3.2 and earlier which had these bugs.
- HIDE 1.4
- * enhanced to work with the No Desktop option of PowerUsers. Disables the Quit
- option if the No Desktop option is active for the current user.
- * checks with other addons if its OK to quit
- * it will now still send PowerLock to the background, even if the Finder isn't running
- * not compatible with PowerMessages (PowerLock simply quits instead of hides)
- * now lets you use the Change button to change the password
- - if a userlist exists, can only quit to the Finder
- * logs failed attempts to use LastResort (ie incorrect registration codes)
- * fixed an intermittent problem under System 7
- * minor bug fix: reliably replaces/deletes existing autolaunch settings
- * now works properly with PowerMessages
- * minor mods & bugfixes including:
- - now writes properly into the startup window, rather than direct to the
- desktop
- - if a username is available, either within the main dialog box (not
- recommended), or the Change dialog is displayed (again, not recommended) the
- username prefixes the message e.g. "Fred is Out to Lunch"
- - updates the desktop when you move the mouse or press any key
- * now deletes personal and broadcast messages once they have been read. This means
- they will only ever be viewed once.
- * more reliable deletion of previous messages
- * currently not compatible with Hide or SoundMessages
- * due to popular demand, PowerMessages has been targeted for a major
- rewrite during 1994, after PowerLock Controls has been released. The interface
- will be more compatible with real mail applications and will support multiple
- messages per person, etc. It WON'T become a fully fledged mail application, and is
- unlikely to support AOCE/PowerTalk.
- * reduced code size by 50%
- * Unlock Disk is now available to unregistered users
- * SuperHelper (and SuperSecurity - StartUp Security) will eventually be
- replaced by PowerLock Controls, and the new StartUp Launcher.
- It is likely that SuperSecurity will remain available as an AddOn,
- particularly for System 6 users.
- * AddOns now work together better. Any incompatibilities are identified up front
- and AddOns will disable themselves accordingly.
- * AddOns are now more System 6 compatible (unless they require System 7
- features)